Business Line: COVID-19
Expert insights: COVID-19 and claims around the world
Get a unique view on the state of claims management around the world as six of Crawford's global leaders discuss the COVID-19…
Unemployment insurance in an era of exceptional circumstances
As a result of the health crisis caused by the global spread of the coronavirus, the Government of Chile has implemented an…
5 Key components to successful claims management during a crisis
A crisis can refer to many kinds of events, from a mass shooting to a wildfire, hurricane, or even a viral pandemic. By definition,…
COVID-19 Workers Compensation regulatory updates
Traditionally, the flu and other infectious diseases have not been covered or accepted under workers compensation, and many states…
COVID-19 & business: 5 steps to a safer reopening
As we continue to make headway in the battle against COVID-19, additional factories, warehouses, offices and other businesses will…
Coronavirus and business interruption
The impact of COVID-19 on the insurance sector rapidly changes and since our report in January 2020 on this subject, there have been…
Expert insights: remote claims management in the age of social distancing
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for remote claims handling tools as insurance carriers look to adjudicate claims…
Expert insights: COVID-19 and its impact on claims
Join Crawford's Global Chief Operating Officer, Rohit Verma, along with US Chief Client Officers Mike Hoberman (TPA Solutions:…
Staying safe in the field with Dr. Chris Woods
Join Dr. Chris Woods, epidemiologist and expert on infectious diseases, for a presentation on COVID-19 and a discussion on staying…
Crawford helps combat COVID-19 by flattening the curve
We are doing our part to help flatten the curve. Our priority is to protect our employees while also maintaining everyday business…
Coronavirus - Families First Act Solution
On March 18th, the U.S. Senate passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (The Act) by an overwhelming margin. President…
Coronavirus - Disability and Leave FAQ
This document is designed to provide answers to key leave benefits questions we have received from clients and partners across the…