Industry: Insurance Brokers
Unemployment insurance in an era of exceptional circumstances
As a result of the health crisis caused by the global spread of the coronavirus, the Government of Chile has implemented an…
Crawford Contractor Connection launches Commercial Property Modification Service
Crawford Contractor Connection®, an industry leader in contractor managed repair services, has launched a commercial property…
Vehicle services pricing guide
Crawford offers a comprehensive suite of services across many vehicle types. From commercial fleets to heavy equipment vehicles,…
5 Key components to successful claims management during a crisis
A crisis can refer to many kinds of events, from a mass shooting to a wildfire, hurricane, or even a viral pandemic. By definition,…
COVID-19 Workers Compensation regulatory updates
Traditionally, the flu and other infectious diseases have not been covered or accepted under workers compensation, and many states…
Coronavirus and business interruption
The impact of COVID-19 on the insurance sector rapidly changes and since our report in January 2020 on this subject, there have been…
Construction — Built to last
The global construction boom of the last 10 years shows little signs of slowing as demand for new housing, enhanced transport…
COVID-19 & business: 5 steps to a safer reopening
As we continue to make headway in the battle against COVID-19, additional factories, warehouses, offices and other businesses will…
Crawford & Company announces Rohit Verma to be the new Chief Executive Officer and Joseph Blanco as the new President
Crawford & Company (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B), the world’s largest publicly listed independent provider of claims management and…
Expert insights: COVID-19 and its impact on claims
Join Crawford's Global Chief Operating Officer, Rohit Verma, along with US Chief Client Officers Mike Hoberman (TPA Solutions:…
Staying safe in the field with Dr. Chris Woods
Join Dr. Chris Woods, epidemiologist and expert on infectious diseases, for a presentation on COVID-19 and a discussion on staying…
2019 Annual Report
In 2019, we built upon the strong foundation that began with our cultural renaissance in 2018. Our investments in technology and our…