Xactimate Level I Training
Apr 19 - 21, 2022
Tuesday through Thursday, 8 AM - 5 PM CST
The 3-Day Xactimate Level I Training is designed for an adjuster who is new to the adjuster profession and is looking to learn the Xactimate estimating program. Students in this course will be taught how to write professional, accurate, and timely estimates using Xactimate’s best practices. This course includes Xactimate X1 claim setup, navigation, sketching (roof and interior), and scenario-based estimating.
Course Requirements for Virtual Classroom
Students of this course should meet the following criteria before attending the virtual class:
- Dual monitors or two computers – One computer/monitor for MS Team class instruction and separate computer/monitor for Xactimate estimating.
- Have a laptop or desktop computer that has Xactimate’s latest version installed (X1) – (Verisk offers a 30-day free trial of the Xactimate program) - If you are not a current Xactimate customer, you can request a free 30-day demo from the Xactware website: Xactimate Demo Download Link
- External mouse
- High-speed internet connection
- Basic computer skills and understanding of Microsoft Windows navigation
What to Expect
This course will be instructed by a Xactimate Affiliate Trainer (XAT) with over fifteen years of property adjusting experience and ten years of teaching the Xactimate program. The class begins promptly at 8:00 am (CST) and will end at 5:00 pm (CST). There will be two fifteen-minute breaks and a one-hour lunch.
Course Objectives
Students of this course will be taught:
- Claim setup (Adding coverages, deductible, price list selection, depreciation, and overhead & profit)
- Basic fundamentals of software system
- Sketching roofs and interior floor plans (will include tools needed for complex roofs and interior sketches)
- Scenario-based estimating (Wind/Hail damaged roofs, tree on fence estimating, elevation repairs, and interior water damage)
- Xactimate Claim wrap up and reporting
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