Flood, Wind & Hail
Storm Babet
UK & Ireland
Oct 2023
Primary Contact
Claims alert line
T: 0141 229 7500
E: claimsalert@crawco.co.uk
Crawford & Company responds to Storm Babet
Our 24/7 claims intake service is ready to assist people and businesses affected by the storm.
Visit our services page to learn more about our claims adjusting offerings. If you require further information on our response or should you need adjusting assistance, please contact our team.
Oct 24, 2023
A rare red "danger to life" weather alert was issued over the weekend for parts of Scotland and England. Torrential rain and heavy winds caused extensive damage to property in Angus, Aberdeenshire, Suffolk, South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Wiltshire, North Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Northumberland, Derbyshire and Humberside worst affected. More flooding could hit the UK this week after heavy downpours from Storm Babet left hundreds of properties submerged.
The Met Office is warning that a new wave of heavy rain could bring flooding and disruption to much of London and southern England over the next 24 hours.
It has been a busy weekend and start to the week for our teams who have responded promptly as soon as insurance claims started to arrive on Friday, 20th of October. Our teams worked over the weekend and we are ramping up to meet further demand over the next few days.
Crawford’s early planning and activation of its surge plan means that our response is under control. However, in view of the severity of the storm our surge status is set at red.
It is too early to predict likely claim volumes as access is difficult in some areas and we know that homeowners often take some time to instruct their insurance company as they cope with the devastating effects of flood. Our Data Science team is monitoring claim patterns closely so we can match resource to the areas of most demand.
As well as responding to agriculture, commercial, domestic and high net worth claims, our managed repair team, Crawford Contractor Connection, has been responding to claims direct and carrying out emergency repairs.
Our early planning and increased use of technology will prove invaluable as the severity of this weather event cannot be underestimated and the level of damage caused to homes is far greater than early predictions.
There has also been severe flooding in Cork, the Republic of Ireland’s second largest city, and adjusters from our recently formed operation in Ireland are responding to claims following flash flooding.
Storm Babet and the following heavy rainfall has caused major damage to many properties across the UK and Ireland. We thank our people and partners for responding so quickly and diligently to help people affected by Storm Babet’s devastation.